Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology
SOCI1001: Understanding Everyday Life
Position: PGR Seminar and Tutorial Leader
Years: 2019/20, 2017/18
Course Abstract: The unit introduces students to a range of different sites of everyday life and explores the social practices and relations associated with them. We will approach this study through an exploration of different social identities–youth, class, gender, sexuality, and the family- and the ways in which these affect and change our social experiences and life chances. The unit commences with an introduction to university study before moving through research on the family, sexuality, gender, class and youth. These different ‘identities’ are linked with questions concerning power, difference, opportunity and discrimination. In the process, a range of sociological, criminological and anthropological concepts and methods that have been applied in the study of everyday life are introduced and evaluated.
Department of Geography and Environment
GEOG3063: The Creative Economy
Position: PGR Seminar Leader
Years: 2017/18
Course Abstract: This module is designed for students who are interested in the creative economy and how it is being shaped by geographical processes related to globalisation, digitisation and flexibilisation. Through lectures and seminars, it covers topics that are central to understanding the creative economy and key themes in geography including:
The challenging labour conditions within creative industries such as music and fashion
The ways in which producers create and communicate value for their goods, services and experiences in the competitive global marketplace
The changing nature of consumption and growing importance of curators such as bloggers to the creative economy
How and why these activities are contained within but also shaped by specific physical, temporary and virtual spaces
The formation and relationship between global, local and trans-local cultural scenes such as Shoreditch in London
Why cities are trying to attract creative firms and entrepreneurs and how individuals decide where to live and work in an era of unprecedented mobility